  • G097
  • G097


‘S e pròiseact ùr a th’ ann an Guthan na Tìre, co- cheangailte ri Ionad Thròndairnis, agus bidh a’ chiad ìre den phròiseact a’ toirt a-steach prògram de bheul- aithris, mapadh coimhearsnachd agus gnìomhan tasglann didseatach. Cuidichidh Guthan na Tìre gus an dualchas a chumail agus dèanamh cinnteach gun gabh a chleachdadh airson buannachd na coimhearsnachd.


Guthan na Tìre (Voices of the Land) is an exciting project being developed by Ionad Thròndairnis, which aims to sustain and transmit the unique cultural heritage of the Trotternish peninsula for the benefit of its communities.



‘S e pròiseact ùr a th’ ann an Guthan na Tìre, co- cheangailte ri Ionad Thròndairnis, agus bidh a’ chiad ìre den phròiseact a’ toirt a-steach prògram de bheul- aithris, mapadh coimhearsnachd agus gnìomhan tasglann didseatach. Cuidichidh Guthan na Tìre gus an dualchas a chumail agus dèanamh cinnteach gun gabh a chleachdadh airson buannachd na coimhearsnachd.


Guthan na Tìre (Voices of the Land) is an exciting project being developed by Ionad Thròndairnis, which aims to sustain and transmit the unique cultural heritage of the Trotternish peninsula for the benefit of its communities.


Tha ar dualchas air nochdadh thar ùine tro cho-obrachadh ar coimhearsnachd leis an fhearann agus ar beatha shòisealta. Tha e a’ toirt a-steach ar cànan agus ar bun- bheachdan agus measgachadh beairteach de cheòl, òrain agus bàrdachd. Tha e a’ toirt a-steach eòlas agus cuimhneachain air àiteachan agus eachdraidh ionadail, eòlas agus cleachdaidhean co-cheangailte ri croitearachd, cleachdadh an fhearainn, agus an àrainneachd ionadail. Mairidh an dualchas beò seo taobh a-staigh dhaoine agus – airson a chumail beò – feumar a chleachdadh, a cho- roinn, a chomharrachadh agus a ghluasad bho ghinealach gu ginealach.


Our heritage has emerged over time through our communities’ interaction with the land and our social life. It includes our language and beliefs and a rich seam of music, song and poetry. It includes knowledge and memories about local places and histories, and knowledge and practices associated with crofting, use and understanding of the land, and the local environment. This living heritage survives within people and – for it to be kept alive – it must be practised, shared, celebrated and transmitted from generation to generation.


Tha ar dualchas air nochdadh thar ùine tro cho-obrachadh ar coimhearsnachd leis an fhearann agus ar beatha shòisealta. Tha e a’ toirt a-steach ar cànan agus ar bun- bheachdan agus measgachadh beairteach de cheòl, òrain agus bàrdachd. Tha e a’ toirt a-steach eòlas agus cuimhneachain air àiteachan agus eachdraidh ionadail, eòlas agus cleachdaidhean co-cheangailte ri croitearachd, cleachdadh an fhearainn, agus an àrainneachd ionadail. Mairidh an dualchas beò seo taobh a-staigh dhaoine agus – airson a chumail beò – feumar a chleachdadh, a cho- roinn, a chomharrachadh agus a ghluasad bho ghinealach gu ginealach.


Our heritage has emerged over time through our communities’ interaction with the land and our social life. It includes our language and beliefs and a rich seam of music, song and poetry. It includes knowledge and memories about local places and histories, and knowledge and practices associated with crofting, use and understanding of the land, and the local environment. This living heritage survives within people and – for it to be kept alive – it must be practised, shared, celebrated and transmitted from generation to generation.

Guided walk to Greaulainn, Kilmuir, led by Anne Martin. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Guided walk to Greaulainn, Kilmuir, led by Anne Martin. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Exploring mapping and placenames, with Catherine MacPhee and Angela MacGillivray. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Exploring mapping and placenames, with Catherine MacPhee and Angela MacGillivray. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Guided walk to Greaulainn, Kilmuir, with Anne Martin. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Guided walk to Greaulainn, Kilmuir, with Anne Martin. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Exploring mapping and placenames, with Catherine MacPhee and Angela MacGillivray. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Exploring mapping and placenames, with Catherine MacPhee and Angela MacGillivray. Fèis na Tìre, 2022


Nì fheadhainn saor-thoilich òga ionadail agallamhan le daoine nas sine mu eachdraidh ionadail, àiteachan agus cuimhneachain. Bheir com-pàirtiche a’ phròiseict, Inherit – carthannas leasachadh dualchais is coimhearsnachd – seiseanan trèanaidh pearsanta agus stuthan trèanaidh seachad dhan òigridh. Thig buidhnean de luchd-còmhnaidh ionadail còmhla gus an eòlas a cho-roinn agus gus mapaichean-sgeidse le notaichean a chruthachadh, a’ glacadh fiosrachadh agus sgeulachdan mu àiteachan ionadail. Thèid iad seo an tionndadh an uair sin gu mapaichean didseatach leis an òigridh saor-thoileach. Bidh sinn cuideachd a’ comharrachadh ar dualchas ann am ‘Fèis na Tìre’ anns an t-Samhain 2022.


With that in mind, and in partnership with Inherit – a charity which supports community development through cultural heritage – the first part of the Guthan na Tìre programme will focus on inter-generational connection. Young people in the area will develop the skills to collect oral histories and local knowledge, and to communicate them creatively. A community mapping project will follow, bringing people together to work on a shared digital map which captures localised information and knowledge of the land, its uses, stories, histories and place names. We will also be hosting a Festival of the Land, Fèis na Tìre, in November 2022, which will celebrate different aspects of our culture.


Nì fheadhainn saor-thoilich òga ionadail agallamhan le daoine nas sine mu eachdraidh ionadail, àiteachan agus cuimhneachain. Bheir com-pàirtiche a’ phròiseict, Inherit – carthannas leasachadh dualchais is coimhearsnachd – seiseanan trèanaidh pearsanta agus stuthan trèanaidh seachad dhan òigridh. Thig buidhnean de luchd-còmhnaidh ionadail còmhla gus an eòlas a cho-roinn agus gus mapaichean-sgeidse le notaichean a chruthachadh, a’ glacadh fiosrachadh agus sgeulachdan mu àiteachan ionadail. Thèid iad seo an tionndadh an uair sin gu mapaichean didseatach leis an òigridh saor-thoileach. Bidh sinn cuideachd a’ comharrachadh ar dualchas ann am ‘Fèis na Tìre’ anns an t-Samhain 2022.


With that in mind, and in partnership with Inherit – a charity which supports community development through cultural heritage – the first part of the Guthan na Tìre programme will focus on inter-generational connection. Young people in the area will develop the skills to collect oral histories and local knowledge, and to communicate them creatively. A community mapping project will follow, bringing people together to work on a shared digital map which captures localised information and knowledge of the land, its uses, stories, histories and place names. We will also be hosting a Festival of the Land, Fèis na Tìre, in November 2022, which will celebrate our culture.


Bidh na tha air a dhèanamh tro phròiseact Guthan na Tìre ri fhaotainn air loidhne agus anns an ionad ùr ann am Flòdaigearraidh, nuair a thèid a thogail. Tha sinn an dòchas gun tig luchd-còmhnaidh sgìre Thròndairnis air fad an sàs anns a’ phròiseact, agus bidh fàilte bhlàth chridheil romhaibh uile.

Waulking the tweed, with Dr Margaret Bennett. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Waulking the tweed, with Dr Margaret Bennett. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Collecting oral histories, with Dr Margaret Bennett. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Collecting oral histories, with Dr Margaret Bennett. Fèis na Tìre, 2022


These are the first stages in the longer-term Guthan na Tìre programme, which will be part of Ionad Thròndairnis, the planned Trotternish Centre in Flodigarry. The project aims to be far-reaching and inclusive, and warmly welcomes input and participation from residents of every community on the Trotternish peninsula.


Bidh na tha air a dhèanamh tro phròiseact Guthan na Tìre ri fhaotainn air loidhne agus anns an ionad ùr ann am Flòdaigearraidh, nuair a thèid a thogail. Tha sinn an dòchas gun tig luchd-còmhnaidh sgìre Thròndairnis air fad an sàs anns a’ phròiseact, agus bidh fàilte bhlàth chridheil romhaibh uile.

Waulking the tweed, with Dr Margaret Bennett. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Waulking the tweed, with Dr Margaret Bennett. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Collecting oral histories, with Dr Margaret Bennett. Fèis na Tìre, 2022
Collecting oral histories, with Dr Margaret Bennett. Fèis na Tìre, 2022


These are the first stages in the longer-term Guthan na Tìre programme, which will be part of Ionad Thròndairnis, the planned Trotternish Centre in Flodigarry. The project aims to be far-reaching and inclusive, and warmly welcomes input and participation from residents of every community on the Trotternish peninsula.


Airson fiosrachadh a bharrachd cuir post-d gu co-òrdanaiche a’ phròiseict, Eilidh NicChoinnich;


To share or receive more information, contact project co-ordinator, Eilidh MacKenzie;


Airson fiosrachadh a bharrachd cuir post-d gu co-òrdanaiche a’ phròiseict, Eilidh NicChoinnich;


To share or receive more information,  contact project co-ordinator, Eilidh MacKenzie;

year of stories logo low res

Supported by the Year of Stories 2022 Community Stories Fund. The Fund is delivered in partnership by VisitScotland and Museums Galleries Scotland with support from National Lottery Heritage Fund thanks to National Lottery players.

Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig

With support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig

year of stories logo low res

Supported by the Year of Stories 2022 Community Stories Fund. The Fund is delivered in partnership by VisitScotland and Museums Galleries Scotland with support from National Lottery Heritage Fund thanks to National Lottery players.

Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig

With support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig